Core Virtues


This is at the heart of everything we do: We ask why and we dig deep. 

Curiosity drives us to better understand how things are done, why things are not working out.

Curiosity pushes us to get to the root of the problem, to learn from mistakes, and to seek and experiment with unexplored ideas. 

Curiosity propels us to constantly improve and innovate. 

Curiosity puts us on top of our game.


Ownership means to hold ourselves accountable. We solve problems and don’t hesitate to seek help when stuck. 

We act on behalf of the company, beyond just ourselves or our own team. We never say, “That’s not my job.” We are involved and engaged, from end to end.

This sense of ownership gives us the courage to take risks, to be entrepreneurial. 

We are not afraid to shape a better future—and we take ownership of the future we shape.


We are honest, non-judgmental, and ethical. 

Integrity compels us to do what is best for the company, and for our colleagues, clients, and community.

We are dependable and follow through on commitments.

Integrity unites us to work together effectively in order to achieve the best possible result. 

Integrity stirs us to do the right thing even when noone is watching.